Telavi - The Heart of Kakheti

Telavi, the capital of the Eastern province of Kakheti, is home to several of the region’s world-famous wineries, art museums, castles and a theater highlighting folk singing and dancing. Telavi is located at the crossroad of the region and is an ideal place to stop for lunch or an excellent jumping-off point for two or three-day excursions. dsc_6282dsc_6294dsc_6296dsc_6314 The landscape of Telavi is scenic. The city is wrapped in picturesque landscapes from all sides. Telavi faces the Tsiv-Gombori Range to the south and south-west and borders on the Alazani Valley to the north and east. The Greater Caucasus Mountain Range, which runs to the north of the Alazani Valley, can be seen from most of Telavi. dsc_6514dsc_6867 Cholokashvili Street is one of the most beautiful streets in the city, and has been recently renovated. The homes on this residential street are adorned with colorful gates and intricately carved balconies. dsc_6884 Batonis Tsikhe castle served as the residence of Kakhetian Kings between 17th and 18th century. The castle encloses two churches, the ruins of a royal bathhouse, and the Persian style Palace of King Erekle II. Address: 1 Erekle II Avenue, Telavi dsc_6885 "Vakhvakhishvilebis Tsikhe" - castle of the local noblemen named Vakhvakhishvilis (18th century AD). dsc_6276 The almost 900 year old Giant Plane tree is one of the oldest and most unusual attractions of the city.291932_original Nadikvari Park is a wonderful place for leisure; you will find walking trails, beautiful nature, playgrounds, an open-air theater/concert arena and plenty of other attractions. img_1355_13482img_1355_13484img_1355_13481 Source:
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რამდენად ხშირად მიმართავთ ტურისტულ სააგენტოებს მოგზაურობის დასაგეგმად ?
A. ხშირად მივმართავ
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B. საერთოდ არ მივმართავ
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C. არც ისე ხშირად მივმართავ
23 %